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Moles are common skin growths that result from the clustering of melanocytes, the cells responsible for skin pigmentation. They can emerge at any stage of life, though they are often noticed during childhood or adolescence. Moles manifest in diverse types, each with its unique characteristics and considerations:

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2 Nights

Hospital Admission

7 Hours

Duration of Operation

General Anaesthesia


Types of Moles

Congenital Moles

These moles are present at birth and, in most cases, are benign. However, they carry a slightly elevated risk of developing into melanoma, a form of skin cancer, later in life. Regular monitoring and consultation with a dermatologist are advisable for individuals with congenital moles.

Acquired Moles

These moles develop over the course of one’s life and are typically non- threatening. Most acquired moles do not pose a health risk, but any significant alterations in size, shape, or color should be promptly evaluated by a dermatologist to exclude potential issues.

Atypical Moles (Dysplastic Nevus)

Atypical moles are larger, irregularly shaped, and can resemble melanoma. Individuals with atypical moles have a slightly heightened risk of melanoma, prompting close monitoring and possible removal, as recommended by a dermatologist, to mitigate this risk.

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Confronting Keloid Challenges

Addressing keloids is akin to navigating a labyrinth of treatments, with outcomes as diverse as the keloids themselves. Each approach has its own repertoire of potential benefits and limitations:

Steroid Injections:

These injections wield the power to shrink keloids and offer relief from incessant itching.

Silicone Gel or Sheets:

Patient persistence is the key here, as these products
labor diligently over time to flatten and soften keloids.


An icy touch can shrink the stubborn keloids, offering a glimmer of hope for those seeking a smoother skin canvas.

Laser Therapy:

Lasers precision can engage in a battle to vanquish redness and coax keloids into submission.

Surgical Removal:

A tempting option, but the caveat is that keloids may stage a comeback post-surgery, leaving patients in a perpetual tug-of-war.

Radiation Therapy:

In select cases, a gentle dose of radiation can act as a sentinel, guarding against keloid resurgence, particularly after surgical excision.

Pressure Dressings:

These unyielding companions, when consistently applied, bear the promise of flattening keloids, albeit with a need for unwavering dedication.

Interferon Injections:

These injections offer the hope of size reduction but can come bearing side effects, necessitating careful consideration.

How It Works

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Your Skin Feels New

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The Genetic Tapestry:

Observation: Many moles do not necessitate treatment if they remain stable and do not undergo concerning changes. Consistent self- examinations and periodic visits to a dermatologist are pivotal for monitoring mole conditions over time.

Surgical Removal: This option is  frequently suggested for atypical moles, suspicious moles, or moles that provoke discomfort. Surgical excision, a prevalent method, entails the mole's removal through cutting.

Laser Removal: Appropriate for small, non -cancerous moles, laser therapy can be employed to minimize scarring. Nevertheless, its suitability may vary based on mole types.

Electrosurgery: This minor surgical procedure involves shaving off the mole using an electric current. It can be effective for removing certain moles, especially if they protrude above the skin's surface.

Cryotherapy: Cryotherapy entails freezing the mole with liquid nitrogen and is a choice for smaller, non cancerous moles. It's a relatively straightforward and swift procedure.

It’s imperative to emphasize that self-diagnosis should be avoided concerning moles. If you harbor any concerns about your moles, particularly if they exhibit unusual changes or induce discomfort, it is essential to seek guidance from a dermatologist for a thorough evaluation and expert advice on treatment or removal. Early detection and professional assessment play a pivotal role in addressing potential mole related issues and safeguarding skin health.

Before And After Images

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Pre Operative Care

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Qualified Doctors

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Post Operative Care

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Risks and Complications

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